Wednesday, December 13, 2006

An Unexpected Gift

Today is trash day. Can I just tell you how much I hate trash day? Hauling smelly garbage to the curb in this damp, cold weather ranks at the top of my “least favorite” chores (and, trust me, there are many).

But today, a gift. My husband is home for trash day. He wasn’t supposed to be home. He was supposed to be in Ohio. After a grueling day trying to catch a pushed-back flight from Milwaukee, he finally gave up and drove to O’hare, hoping to catch the second leg of his flight to Ohio. The plane at O’hare sat on the runway for several hours before the flight was cancelled. So my weary husband drove home late last night and crawled into bed with me. (He did call me on his way home so I wouldn’t completely freak out!) What a gift!

Today is trash day. And I don’t have to take out the trash. This is a gift beyond compare. I’m sorry my husband has to miss an important meeting today, but just a little bit sorry. More than that, I am grateful. And on this cold, dreary morning that I don’t have to take out the trash, I am happy. New diamond earrings couldn’t make me happier. Well, maybe a little bit happier. But not much.

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