On our way into Chicago, the boys were pointing out buildings and asking what they were. Twin A. was impressed with the Sears Tower, and couldn’t stop talking about the “Serious Tower.” (We tried to correct him. "Sears. It's the SEARS tower." But to no avail. I don't think the kid has ever even heard of Sears.)
A few weeks later, he and his brothers built this. He took a picture and suggested that it "would be great for my blog." And so it is.
Behold: The Serious Tower.
Oh funny!
Now, aren't all towers serious?
Seriously. Very serious.
My favorite part is the two trees at the top of the tower. How very urban-green. I bet there are more trees and plants up on top of many of those skyscrapers than any of us would guess.
Serious tower for serious young architects.
I love, love, love how kids take inspiration from what they're exposed to--and how it works its way into their play.
Play is serious stuff!
Seriously cute!
too fun! (serious fun!)
Love it!
Great Story
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