Monday, December 21, 2009

You know you're a mom when...

You wake up, thrilled to have a slow day with the kids. No school or activity schedules to worry about and not much going on.

You just need to clean up a little bit, do two or three loads of laundry, make a quick trip to the grocery store, wrap half a dozen gifts, do a little baking, host friends for play and lunch, return a few phone calls and bring a meal to a neighbor.

Not much.


Sarah said...

Not much at all. Have a relaxing day!

Sues said...

EXACTLY how I feel today, too: a SLOW day! ;-)

Jenny from Chicago said...

This post really hit the spot. Nice one!!

Jenny from Chicago said...

Look, I'm not complaining or anything....but where is your New Year's post? Madam, your public awaits your gems of wisdom for the new year.

Thank you very much in advance.